Monday, 6 November 2017

An Expert on my field

If i think in a sociologist who i admire, i just can think in Antonio Gramsci, although he is not a certified sociologist, he made so much contributions to the discipline.
Antonio Gramsci was an italian comunist and journalist. He had two sons and a wife. He enter to italian socialist party in 1913, found the newspapper L’Ordine Nuovo in 1919, the italian communist party in 1921 and arrested in 1926 for the italian fascists. He died in 1937 by an cerebral hemorrhagic.
About his contributions to sociology, I really highlight the concept of cultural hegemony and how he analice the civic society, the relation beetween it and the politic society (the Estate). His contributions are used to comprise from the education, communications, culture, to the political theory or the society practices.

I admire Antonio Gramsci because he was a militant and a he represent how the sociology can help to change the society for another where the equality are a few more near to be reality. Further I can use his theory in my university works, because the hegemonic appear every time when talks about the domination relations, a theme very recurrent.


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