Monday, 28 August 2017

Why did you choose your career/ study programme?

I chose sociology when I was in third grade of high school. When I remember it, I can't forget my father's reaction, because he was scared when he listened to it. He told me, if I study sociology, I would be hungry. His reaction was very predictable, because when I was a child I would be an industrial engineering. My mother's reaction was very similar, but she was less exaggerated than my father.

My sociology interest appeared when I knew about the career. I have a friend who studies sociology and he introduced me in this discipline. I didn't accept my preference for the career after a year of my first approach, but I needed to take the choice to select my "preuniversitario" subjects.

Monday, 21 August 2017

My Auto Biography

Hello everyone. This is my first post of the semester. My name is Javier, I am 19 years old. I was born in Talca.
I am studying sociology at the moment in Santiago, and I live with two other students of universidad de Chile, but they are studying Public Administration and Geography.
I don't like the rainy days because I can't use my skateboard, and I feel cought up.
In my free time, I travel to Talca in order to visit my family and eat food good.
If I have more free time, like a holyday, I travel to Concepcion, where my grandfather and my two grandmothers lives and where my mother and father met.
My favourite food are the cookies, but I try eat less than the 2016 because they are not nutritive.